Match Your Tie to your Formal Wear Every Time

Knowing how to dress for important events is a substantial part of being an adult. Opportunities to wear formal and professional attire come up throughout your lifetime. Men need to dress correctly for special occasions, job interviews, weddings and other important events.

A key part of men's attire is knowing how to match your tie to your formal wear. The truth of the matter is that people will likely judge you based on your tie choice. The right tie combination can make you seem more mature, professional and put together.

Tip Top has a wide range of ties so you can quickly purchase an entirely new tie collection. Or, just add some new ties to your existing collection. And, as you choose tie styles, Tip Top recommends similar styles of ties you might like. Keep reading for all the do's, don'ts and tips every man should know about tie shopping.


Don't buy the wrong tie for your existing wardrobe. And, never buy a tie simply because it looks good. All ties should be a complementary piece. What's the point of a fantastic tie that you love if you don't have an accompanying suit? This will result in you spending money on a dress shirt or an entire suit to match the tie.

The simple solution when choosing ties is to keep in mind the wardrobe you already have. You can order ties online from Tip Top, while conveniently looking through your existing wardrobe.


The first thing you need to do is make sure your tie is the right length for your body. A tie that's too short can make you look like a kid playing dress-up. And, a tie that's too long makes you appear unkempt, ruining your entire look.

Average-sized men should go for neckties between 3-3.75 inches wide. A tie that'is too skinny is very trendy and not considered a classic look. And a necktie that's too wide can look like a clown's tie and isn't slimming. Matching a tie to a shirt doesn't have to be difficult. It's all about having a basic understanding of proportion, pattern and color.

Color & Pattern Tips

Color combinations are dependent on the message you're trying to send. Decide if you want to give the impression of being fun, professional or black-tie formal.

Find colors and combinations that complement your skin and hair tones. For instance, men with light-colored hair and fair skin should stick with pastel and monochromatic color schemes. And, men with dark hair and richer skin tones look great in both low- and high-contract color scheme combinations. Your shirt, tie and the suit should all work together as a cohesive color combination.

When choosing a multicolor tie or a patterned tie, keep in mind that all the colors on the tie should match your suit. Refer to the color wheel when trying to understand if colors are appropriate to mix. If you're choosing a patterned tie, ensure the pattern doesn't conflict with your shirt or suit. Wearing double patterns can be complicated. You don't want to choose conflicting patterns, but you also don't want to wear the same pattern on your tie as your shirt or suit! A general rule of thumb is if the tie's patterns are complex, make sure your suit and shirt have no patterns.

Don't waste any more time, and get your new range of ties now. A new tie will make you feel smooth and ready to take on your next well-dressed event. Tip Top has a huge selection that's guaranteed to match any piece in your closet. All made of high-quality materials — and at affordable prices! Start revamping your look today.

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